Unfortunately I didnt get to add my skin or more to my face, as I found fixing all the problems that happened to me took up most of my time. I really enjoyed modelling my face, and with more practice think this wouldn't have taken me so long. my main problems which caused me to have to go back and re do alot of work were:
I did try to create the eye balls, by using a sphere, squishing it to an eye shape, using a bitmap image of an eye and putting it behind the face, however I remove dit as I was getting ahead of myself and hadn't even finished my head.
problem 1: Orthographic view - this view caused all sorts of problems, If i would be working on a view and I changed it slightly, this would change to orthographic view, and sometimes without me knowing i would change something in the view port, and in the other ones, it would go terribly wrong. this happened many many times which meant if i hadn't realised, progressed and saved my work when using this view port I had to start again.
solution : I realised though, that if I would have always had the four view ports up then I could have seen the problem as it was happening. This would have saved me some time.
Problem 2 : another problem I had many times which used alot of my time up was when I would edit the the one side of the face sometimes, I dont know why, when I tried to put the symmetry back on it wouldn't appear the same, and because I didnt check it would be saved and any work I did would be lost.
Problem 3 : The ear- No matter what I do I just couldn't get the ear to look right, I dont know why, but because I spent most of my time on the ear, I didnt get to do the rest of the face.
I was gutted I didnt get to finish my head in time as I loved doing it. It was much more time consuming and fiddly then I thought yet I learnt a lot of new tools and interesting stuff. I would love to continue this and animate this. I can imagine if I had of finished it, there wouldn't ever be an end as there is more and more I could do to make it look more like me.
I dont know whether this was a factor however I used the latest version of Autodesk 3dsMax, and this could of caused complications for me, and even though it was very similar, I didnt like the new layout, and it wasn't very easy to find tools.
Overall I thought the module was a great one. Even though I didnt get as far as I would have wanted, I still feel that I learnt all important useful tools, and I know now how characters of computer games etc are made, and I'm thrilled. I just wish I had alot more time to have imported my skin, and made it perfect.
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